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The Proper Handling of Non-Compliant Modular Plastic Mesh Belts

2024-09-11 00:00:00

In the production process of modular plastic mesh belts, despite our strict quality control standards, a small number of non-conforming products may still occur. How to deal with these non-conforming modular plastic mesh belts not only reflects our attitude towards quality, but also concerns the reputation and long-term development of the enterprise.


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**I. Detection and Judgment of Non-conforming Products**


We have established a comprehensive quality inspection system that covers every step from the inspection of raw materials to the production process, and finally to the sampling inspection of the final product. For modular plastic mesh belts, we conduct inspections from multiple dimensions. First, we check its physical properties, including the tensile strength and wear resistance of the mesh belt. If the tensile strength does not meet the design standards, there may be a risk of fracture during use; poor wear resistance will lead to excessive wear of the mesh belt, affecting its service life.


Secondly, pay attention to the accuracy of its size and specifications. Whether the splicing dimensions between modules are precise, and whether the overall length and width meet the requirements, these are key factors affecting the installation and use of the mesh belt. For example, a mesh belt with excessive size deviation may not be able to be installed properly on the established conveyor equipment, or may deviate during operation.


Furthermore, the appearance quality is also an important consideration. For example, whether there are obvious defects on the surface of the mesh belt, whether the color is uniform, etc. Although the appearance of non-conformity may not directly affect the performance, it will reduce the overall aesthetics and market competitiveness of the product. Once the product does not meet the standard in any of the above aspects, it will be judged as a non-conforming modular plastic mesh belt.


**II. Isolation and Identification of Non-conforming Products**


Upon detecting the non-compliant modular plastic mesh belts, we immediately took isolation measures. A separate area was designated specifically for storing these non-compliant products to avoid mixing them with compliant products. In the isolation area, we made detailed identifications for each batch of non-compliant mesh belts.


The identification content covers the batch number, production date, specific reasons for non-conformance, and information about the testing personnel of the product. Such an identification system helps us quickly and accurately understand the situation of each non-conforming product and provides clear information basis for subsequent processing work. For example, when we need to analyze the main reasons for non-conforming products in a certain period, these identification information can help us quickly locate the relevant products for data statistics and cause analysis.


**III. Handling Process for Non-conforming Products**


(I) Evaluation and Analysis

We have organized a professional technical team to evaluate and analyze the unqualified modular plastic mesh belts. We will delve into the root causes of the product's non-conformity, whether it is due to unstable quality of raw materials, malfunction of production equipment, or inadequate implementation of production processes.


For example, if the tensile strength of the mesh belt is found to be unqualified, we will check the performance indicators of the raw material plastic particles to see if it is caused by batch differences in the raw materials; at the same time, we will check whether the temperature, pressure and other parameter settings of the production equipment are normal, because fluctuations in these parameters may affect the molding quality of the plastic; we also need to review the operation process of each link in the production process, such as whether the hot melt temperature and time control during module splicing are accurate.


(II) Classification and Handling

  1. **Rework processing**

For those unqualified mesh belts that can be processed to meet the qualified standards, we choose to rework them. For example, for mesh belts that are unqualified due to size deviations, if the deviation is within a certain range, we can correct the size by adjusting the mold or reprocessing the module. During the rework process, we strictly follow the quality standards and re-inspect after the rework is completed to ensure that the product fully meets the requirements.

  1. **Scrapping**

When non-conforming products have serious defects that cannot be repaired by reworking or the cost of repair is too high, we will scrap them. Scraping needs to follow strict procedures to ensure that it will not cause pollution to the environment. For modular plastic mesh belts, we will crush the scrapped products and then hand over the crushed plastic materials to professional recycling companies for recycling and reuse, realizing the circular use of resources.


**IV. Summary of Experience and Lessons and Preventive Measures**


Every occurrence of a non-conforming product is a valuable lesson. We thoroughly review the entire processing procedure and summarize the issues that were exposed during production.


If the problem lies in the raw materials, we will strengthen communication and management with our suppliers, establish stricter inspection standards for raw material procurement, increase the frequency of random inspections, and even consider collaborating with higher-quality suppliers. If the problem is related to production equipment, we will enhance daily maintenance and upkeep of the equipment, establish a monitoring system for equipment operation status, promptly identify potential equipment malfunctions, and carry out repairs. For issues related to production processes, we will further optimize process parameters, strengthen employee training, and improve employees' operational skills and quality awareness.


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By properly handling the non-conforming modular plastic mesh belts, we can not only effectively reduce the impact of non-conforming products on the market but also continuously improve our quality control system. In future production processes, we will continue to strictly control the quality and strive to reduce the probability of producing non-conforming products, providing customers with higher quality modular plastic mesh belt products.